Tag: Morris dancing
Are the rumours of a Morris dancing revival to be believed? Will Pound says it’s time to get your clogs on
If The Guardian is correct in its assertions, the Morris is making a comeback. Maybe it’s because yesterday was Mayday and, for a few brief hours at least, also quite sunny, but a good number of people on the folkie social media channels (myself very much included) were getting quite giddy about the sudden revived interest.…
Bampton Morris Dancing, Whit Monday, 2017, in pictures
There’s a tendency for young(ish) people in the UK to scoff at Morris Dancing, dismissing it as a rather embarrassing pastime better left to the elderly and/or inebriated. Given this unfortunate presumption, it’s surprising to find that it continues to exist – which makes the longevity of the Bampton Morris tradition, and others like it, even…