As of today you’ll be able to find my version of ‘The Sandgate Dandling’ on all good digital stores. This recording is from my Songs from the Attic album, which should be out this summer. For more info on the song itself, click on this link to read my Sandgate Dandling article.
I recall the song being sung to me by my mum and grandma when I was a kid, and, since they were Scousers, I assumed it was just a rather dark Liverpool nursery. When I started investigating folk music in more depth, it turned out to be something far more sinister from Newcastle (isn’t that always the way?)
Being a poor, threadbare amateur musician, I can’t afford a full single release (I may try and do a physical release for the album itself, which I’ll sell at gigs). For now, you can grab your download of ‘The Sandgate Dandling’ from any of the online stores listed below.
There’s an album of this stuff coming, too. If you’re interested, sign up to our mailing list here and we’ll let you know about it when it’s ready. You can also book Jon to come and play it (and other songs) in your folkie venue. (He’s very reasonable!) Get in touch on
Oh, and thanks to the boy wizard, Jack Rutter, for the professional ears and the very kind words, describing this song as, “vibey as sin!” I will take that as a good thing…
The Sandgate Dandling – Jon Wilks
Vocal and guitar, Jon Wilks
Played on a Taylor 114e
Recorded at West Cottage, Hampshire
Available now from…
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