Hi all, I hope you’re well.
Some of you who follow and support The Old Songs Podcast may have received a weird email recently concerning cancellation. Not to worry… the podcast is alive and well, and will hopefully have a new episode out this weekend.
What has changed is the payment structure. Mixcloud are very good at paying royalties to artists, but any payment to me for making the podcast was a bit of a faff. In short, it hardly ever happened. I didn’t do much about it because I was pleased that artists royalties were being dealt with, but when that email went out to you all without my knowledge, I thought I’d look at other ways to do things. (Don’t worry, Mixcloud will continue to pay artists a fee regardless.)
In the past, many of you have bought, and continue to buy, my music on Bandcamp, so I thought I’d come to you (so to speak) and make that the first port of call for music-related matters. With that in mind, I’ve launched a subscription service – a VIP club! – on Bandcamp.
So: the podcast will still stream on Mixcloud, but if you want to support all my folk music endeavours, payment, etc, will now happen on Bandcamp. I hope that makes sense.
While it may seem a bit confusing, here’s why I’m excited about it…
I will still make albums, and I will still record “The Old Songs Podcast”. But sometimes I’m just itching to share things with you, so much so that waiting on the old album release cycle just feels a bit too restricting.
I have tonnes of recordings I could post here at £1 per download, and I know that many of you will buy those – I’m so very grateful. But I thought a better way to do it might be to set up this monthly subscription service so that you don’t have to pay per track, and I can give you more bang for your buck!
The money that you choose to contribute here will go to support everything I do, from the albums to the podcast and much of the blogging I intend to return to. That’s one reason I no longer charge for The Old Songs Podcast. I thought I’d wrap it all up into this subscription service and give you even more… should you want it.
The podcast will continue to be released on Mixcloud, but everything else you pay for will be released to you here. That could be:
- new songs (I often find myself confused about which take to put on an album… you could help me choose)
- early access to some songs I make with The Grizzly Folk
- outtakes and unreleased alternative versions
- pre-release videos
- pre-release gig tickets
- live recordings and videos
- I’ll use Bandcamp to share that stuff exclusively with you, my Bandcamp buddies
I’m asking for £3.50 per month, although you’re welcome to pay as much as you like.
So… whaddayasay? Fancy supporting me? I really hope so!
All the best,
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